Saturday, August 15, 2009


Married almost an year back and now going to become a father....How does it feel like????

Well to put it down simply that getting married is one of the best things that ever happened in my life and becoming a father so soon is something that's exciting me more than anything....yeah more than the much anitcipated Schumi's return...I just cannot compare that with anything....

the very moment I got to know that I am going to become a father..I was so happy and my heart was pounding with full joy while sharing the news with my parents....ironically I had to leave on the same night to US and leaving my wife in such a state is something I will never expect to do in future again...those two months in US were sort of really sick and I was longing to get back home...

Here I come back home and took my wife to hospital for regular scan....there I saw my baby for the first time...moving around slowly, all parts falling into shape....I could feel it in my heart..MY BABY....the next time the first feel of the baby kicking inside my wife's stomach....I just cannot express the feeling how I felt at that very moment....

Everyone say that GOD is more selfish towards woman...I agree with that...they are more beautiful and above all they have this best share of giving birth to someone just like GOD created ADAM...when the slightest of the touch could make me feel so joyous, then how does it feel like carrying the baby in yourself..someone getting into life inside you.....I feel little jealous at times about this that I dont have that share...ok...feelings apart I guess Men are lucky not having to go through that pain..its painful and sad looking at my wife struggling with the baby inside....Mixed feelings eh???

Lately we went for another scan and its almost end of 8th month for my wife and now we could see the baby more clearly....the face, nose, lips, cheeks, hands, legs.....I saw the baby opening its mouth and closing....I was so happy....I just cant wait anymore to hold the baby in my hands....

I dont regret at all for the things which I am surely going to miss once my baby is born and I
have very much prepared myself that I will take care of my baby at all times and I promise to be the best father......

"Your father is waiting for you darling to give the best you will need in your life..."

Thank you GOD for the wonderful gift that you are going to give us...

and yeah..thanks to my another wife....